marketing podcast

There are innumerable marketing podcasts on temporary tactics, tricks and hacks, but this is the ONE SHOW that will actually transform you…yes even you…into a marketing master.

You’ll gain these critical skills with your host Michael K. Reynolds on the Global Studio Marketing Podcast.

You’ve climbed the mountain…let’s tell the world.

episodes 40-49

If you can sell well, you can sell just about anything. That’s whether you’re selling products or services.

This is because there are many core principles of marketing that hold true throughout every aspect of sales.

Still, there are some critical distinctions between the approach you must take to sell products and services. And, the biggest difference is one that just might surprise you.

Join Michael as he shares this important concept in successful marketing and sales.

People buy from people they know and trust. This is why becoming a person of influence in your industry can provide a significant boost to your business.

More than ever, customers want to know more about the business owners behind the products and services they purchase.

This is particularly true in the services industry where clients want to work with the most trusted influencers in their field of expertise. 

Join Michael as he shares the steps you need to take in order to be a rock star influencer for your organization.  

It all starts with a great idea. You nurture and develop it until it’s a new business or product or service. And then what? You launch it, of course.

But, why is it that some products rocket their way to success, and others barely get off of the ground?

It all comes down to the art and science of the perfect launch. Each step you take matters in a major way. 

Join Michael as he explains the three stage process of executing a successful launch of your ideas. 

Whether you are just starting in business, or if you’ve been an entrepreneur for a long time, you need to win at sales in order to find success.

It can be devastating when the launch of a new product or service falls short in sales expectations. 

Sadly, this can often be the case when you are introducing a higher ticket item to the market.

What do you do? How do you get that cash register ringing and those sales climbing?

Join Michael as he provides a simple and powerful solution to one of the most frequent mistakes entrepreneurs make in selling their services or products. 

Marketing is no small investment when it comes to a company’s precious resources.

This investment begins at the inception of an organization and through its initial branding and messaging. It carries on through product and service development and follows along the entire customer journey.

Yet, there is one element of this process, that is more critical than any other when it comes to being successful in sales. And, that’s in closing the deal.

Join Michael as he explains the most important success factor to nailing this all important landing in your sales. 

Marketing is probably the most misunderstood of all business strategies and skills.

So many entrepreneurs get into business with deep misconceptions about marketing, and this confusion ends up serving as a major stumbling block in their company’s success.

It’s completely understandable, because marketing is so broad in scope and so difficult to get your arms around that it can come across as something mythical and magical. 

Join Michael as he reveals the biggest lie in marketing, and how to keep it from holding back your success.

Everyone gets into business because they feel they can make a difference in the world…even in some small way.

Even your most hardened, bottom-line based entrepreneurs want to do right by their customers.

We want to be the good guy. The good gal. 

Yet, it may surprise you to know that having this mentality when it comes to your sales could hinder your relationships with your prospects and clients.

How so? Join Michael as he explains a counter-intuitive breakthrough insight into growing your marketing and sales. 


Many business owners are proud about their services or products and they have no hesitation in explaining why their offering is the best.

Oftentimes, these same entrepreneurs have a firm grasp of the markets they compete in and understand exactly who is their target audience.

So why is it that when they present their great offer, and target it at the perfect prospect, they still struggle with closing the deal?

Most likely it is because they are missing one of the most critical elements in the sales process. And, this element comes down to one powerful word.

Join Michael as he shares an insight that will truly add rocket fuel to your sales efforts.

It’s natural. You’ve started your business. Your overhead is low. And you’re desperate for work.

So what do you do? You commit the biggest mistake you’ll ever make in your marketing.

Unfortunately, it’s a mistake that can set your business back for months, if not years. 

Join Michael as he reveals this critical and common entrepreneurial error. Then he’ll share how to avoid it by replacing it with the first step you must take in all of your marketing.  

No business is going to make it without sales.

And, to get sales, at some point in the process, it requires salespeople. The better the talent you have in sales, typically the more success you’ll experience.

Yet, before you get too far along in your entrepreneurial venture there is something you should know about your BEST salesperson. And, it may just shock you.

Join Michael as he divulges a critical sales truth all business owners should know. 

episodes 40-49

Michael K Reynolds