leadership podcast

Always lead with integrity.
Never lead alone.

This is the podcast for leaders and those who should be leading. It’s a powerful gathering of people of influence in the areas of businesscommunity and faith.

episodes 60-69

To most normal human beings, taking vacations is pure pleasure. Not so for us entrepreneurs.

It can be expensive in terms of lost productivity, missed opportunities and a slowdown of our business momentum.

And, that’s all before we pay for the airline tickets.

Still, vacations are important for spending time with family, clearing our heads and being refreshed for the next stage of the journey.

Join Michael and Jim as they share ideas for accomplishing the impossible leadership task of taking vacations.

If you’ve been a leader for any length of time, then one thing is for certain: you’ve had to deal with your fair share of bad news.

Bad news comes in many forms and from all directions as you’re responsible for people, money and performance. 

Obviously, it’s the goal of every entrepreneur to minimize the amount of bad news occurring in the business on a daily basis, but much of it is difficult to avoid.

Join Michael and Jim as they reveal valuable strategies in how good leaders can best handle bad news.

Confrontation is inevitable if you’re a leader. In fact, it’s an important part of your job description.

If there is a critical issue in your organization you can’t just ignore it and hope it will go away. You will be expected by your team and clients to take it on with skill and professionalism. 

Good leaders shouldn’t seek out confrontation, but they shouldn’t back down from it either.

Join Michael and Jim as they discuss the best ways to handle confrontation and how to use it to grow your people and organization.

Being a leader is a big deal. It comes with big responsibilities and big risks and rewards.

Yet, most experienced entrepreneurs and leaders will share with you that it’s the little things that make a big difference when it comes to success or failure.

This attention to detail is often what sets leaders apart.

Join Michael and Jim as they discuss the keys to winning big with the little things of business. 

Negotiation is one of the most significant skills required for successful leadership. 

If you’re an entrepreneur, your ability to negotiate with expertise and integrity will make or break your business. 

Many people mistakenly believe that negotiation skills are something you’re born with and you either “have it” or “you don’t”. 

The truth is, any leader can develop themselves into a fine negotiator with some strong foundations and practice.

Join Michael and Jim as they share the art of negotiation for leaders.

It’s always a challenge when you are the boss of yourself. Who is going to hold you accountable? Who is going to make sure you perform your duties with excellence?

So many entrepreneurs launch a business without really working this dilemma out properly. And, that can lead to disaster for the business.

Self-discipline is an extraordinarily important skill for entrepreneurs and one that needs to constantly be developed.

Join Michael and Jim as they discuss strategies for self-discipline and share something even more critical for leadership success.

It’s the biggest question an entrepreneur will face. Or at least it should be.

That is, “What is the appropriate level of risk for me and this organization?” 

This question should be wrestled with at every phase of the entrepreneurial journey starting with the launch and continuing through every subsequent business milestone.

Most business owners fail to realize just how complicated and layered the level of risk is in their enterprise.

Join Michael and Jim as they plunge to the depths of one of the most critical aspects of being a well-rounded, successful leader. 

Let’s face it. As leaders, we are among the world’s worst control freaks. 

Although we are blessed with the gift of leadership, it often comes attached to an unrelenting desire to have everything go exactly the way we want it go.

This leads to an unhealthy and unattainable goal of controlling everything around us, including our best people.

It’s proven to be the downfall of many great visions and many excellent organizations.

Join Michael and Jim as they share the secret to replacing the illusion of control with empowering leadership. 

Most leaders and entrepreneurs excel at being focused, clear visioned and persistent. 

Which is exactly why we often struggle the most when it comes to making a change. Change gets in the way of our momentum. 

Still, great leaders know that people, markets, and the world itself are in a constant state of change, and if we aren’t adapting, we’ll rapidly fall behind. 

The hardest things for a leader to change are those personality traits and character flaws that are holding us back. Yet, these changes are the most powerfully transforming for both ourselves and the organizations we lead. 

Join Michael and Jim as they provide insights into breaking free from toxic obstinacy, and explain how to reach your greater potential through change.

For entrepreneurs, there is joy in the pursuit of success.

Unfortunately, another common emotion experienced by business owners is the fear of failure. 

In small measures, it can provide a high level of focus and a healthy drive for achieving goals.

Yet, when it reaches toxic levels, this fear of failure can be crippling and cause profound stress and sleeplessness.

Join Michael and Jim as they discuss the fear of failure while offering powerful ways to overcome it.

episodes 60-69