leadership podcast
Always lead with integrity.
Never lead alone.
This is the podcast for leaders and those who should be leading. It’s a powerful gathering of people of influence in the areas of business, community and faith.


Everybody loves winning a deal. It’s even exciting when you get to put that shovel in the dirt on that new project.
Yet, this is not where the money is really made.
It’s in the final stages of a project or in the delivery of a product when the contract is fulfilled. It’s only then when you get fully paid.
Cleaning up isn’t fun. It isn’t glamorous. But, it may be the most important requirement of effective leadership.
Join Michael and Jim as they discuss this unique, and surprisingly critical topic.

Everyone wants a highly motivated team. Few find this objective easy to accomplish.
Don’t be hard on yourself. It’s not just you. The external challenges you’re facing make your task more difficult than this was in the past.
And, even the best leaders are constantly having to innovate new ways to keep the fires burning in the hearts of their people. It’s difficult to inspire their teams to excel day in and day out.
Join Michael and Jim as they share some unique insights into how to motivate your team along the path of greater success.

It’s one of the hot buzzwords today. Leaders should be transparent, they say.
But, what does this really mean? And who exactly should these leaders be transparent with?
In these times of social media, one thing said wrong can sink an entrepreneurial ship overnight.
At the same time, these days you can’t operate in a cave and hope to be successful.
Join Michael and Jim as they explore in significant detail the leadership boundaries of transparency.

When you start a business, you need to take on just about any job or opportunity that comes your way.
Yet, before long, as your capacity fills, this approach can rapidly get you into trouble.
Pretty soon, you’ll be knee deep in profit killing activity and your reputation will start to decline.
The word “no” is one of the most powerful ones in an entrepreneur’s toolkit, yet it’s rarely used to its maximum effectiveness.
Join Michael and Jim as they share their own hard knocks and hard earned lessons in their use of the word “no”.

If you’ve been hiring employees for a while, then you’ve certainly discovered some real gems.
And, most likely, you’ve probably picked a few bad apples as well.
It’s truly just part of running a business. You’ll never get it right all of the time.
What exactly do you do with that problem employee? What kind of leadership tactics can you use to turn things around?
Join Michael and Jim as they discuss the issue from the perspective of their combined sixty plus years of experience in hiring.

Rarely a day goes by when leaders aren’t under some sort of pressure.
There is pressure to keep up with the bills. Pressure to keep your clients, employees and vendors happy.
On top of this, there is the pressure of meeting the expectations of your family, friends and your harshest critic…yourself.
With all of this stress, why do leaders get themselves in this mess in the first place?
The simple answer? It because it’s who we are.
Join Michael and Jim as they explore strategies for dealing with the pressure of being in charge.

There is strength in humility.
Many people would agree with this statement, but when it comes to leadership, how does this really play out?
No one wants to follow someone without any confidence in themselves or the vision they are pursuing.
Yet, it’s also clear that few members of your team are going to be excited about following you if you’re arrogant and always taking all of the credit.
Join Michael and Jim as they explain how leaders can and should be both strong…and humble.

Do you ever feel like you’re on a losing streak in your business? When you can’t seem to win a big sale…or any at all? Or when you’re seemingly hit with more bad news every day?
Maybe you’re experiencing those hard times right now.
The challenge is not only trying to snap yourself back into the win column, but you have to do it why leading others. No simple task!
Join Michael and Jim as they offer advice on how to get the sun shining back in your leadership role.

Do you ever feel like you’re on a losing streak in your business? When you can’t seem to win a big sale…or any at all? Or when you’re seemingly hit with more bad news every day?
Maybe you’re experiencing those hard times right now.
The challenge is not only trying to snap yourself back into the win column, but you have to do it why leading others. No simple task!
Join Michael and Jim as they offer advice on how to get the sun shining back in your leadership role.

You NEED to trust you people.
Every leader embraces this concept on an intellectual basis. However; it’s the application of it that takes many a lifetime to master.
The challenge is a leader’s individual trust, reputation and fiscal health is on the line every moment of every day. Trusting this responsibility to others with less at stake can be a challenge. Albeit a necessary one if you’re going to be victorious.
Join Michael and Jim as they share both their struggles and secrets to success in this critical area of leadership.