Three Words That Will Set You Free

Three Words That Will Set You Free

Let it go.You’re in the right, they are definitely wrong. What were they thinking? How could they?Let it go.The dog that keeps barking, the colleague that stole your idea and took your credit. The driver that cuts you off, the family member that cuts you down, the...
10,000 Rivers Of Olive Oil

10,000 Rivers Of Olive Oil

What do we have to do to please God? Are we doing enough? Pulling our weight? In a perfect enough marriage? Raising our kids right? Giving substantially? Serving sacrificially? Really rolling Holy? What is the measuring stick? Maybe we should compare ourselves to...
The Shoe Shine Glory

The Shoe Shine Glory

One of the amazing things about God is He teaches you in such unique ways and through the most unexpected teachers. Years ago, my men’s Bible study learned this firsthand when we were joined by a 68-year-old man name Ben. Ben became a part of our group right after...
Why I’ve Been Silent All These Years

Why I’ve Been Silent All These Years

This was my favorite love letter to write. To you, my dear friends, I would scribe these meticulously crafted missives sometimes with my fists clenched standing on a soapbox, other times with my heart streaming, and even on occasion, through misty, repentant eyes. For...
Michael K Reynolds