What You Have? It’s What The World Needs

What you have? It’s what the world needs. In fact, without it, we’re shriveling on the vine.
You want to know what IT is? It’s that you have the power to make us smile.
Think about it. Discouragement is everywhere. The bills we can’t pay. The goals we don’t reach. The television telling us we’re overweight or under-muscled, too pale or much too dark. That we’re not man enough or Mom enough and that we’re not being all we can be.
Sometimes it’s painful just to look in the mirror.
And life is this constantly ticking clock, and we’re always running behind.
Our lips are cracked with despair, our throats are parched with frustration and we’re thirsting for encouragement.
Would you share a glass of water? Something cool and refreshing?
Because we’re struggling in this sometimes dark and depressing world and what we’re looking for is a little sunshine.
Do you have some to spare? Of course you do.
Encouragement is the priceless gift, which is free to give.
Right now. At this moment. We aren’t looking for more constructive criticism. No tips. Suggestions. Unsolicited advice. Anybody can see what’s wrong with us. Would you be kind enough to let us know what’s right?
You have what it takes. It’s on the tip of your tongue.
Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.
Prov. 12:25
And encouraging people are seldom alone. We flock to them like moths on a lamp.
We don’t need much. Just a little “way to go” or a bit of “hang in there” or “keep up the good work”. A thumbs up. A high five. A wave of a pom pom.
As Paul taught us, we have a role in each others’ lives.
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
1 Thess. 5:11
We have so many folks willing to tear us down. Would you be the one to build us up?
We’re everywhere. The mailman delivering letters while grieving about the loss of his mother. The man waiting at the stoplight trying to figure out how to tell his wife he lost his job today. The woman in line at the grocery store who just had her doctor tell her she’s no longer pregnant.
You have immeasurable wealth to share. Encouraging words are the currency of hope. Are you ready to spend some? Generously? Wildly? With abandon?
Want to make a difference in everybody’s lives? Then go for it. Start today. Begin now.
Change the world one encouraging word at a time.
And as you do, don’t be surprised if they ask for more. Eternal encouragement. A good word opens the door to the Good News.
Because what you have? It’s what the world needs.